The reaction to Heterosexual Pride Day on Twitter is an indication that “pride days” are not really about pride, but about using [insert “oppressed” group here]‘s Special Victim Status to instill guilt.

Never mind that you cannot logically be “proud” of plain old facts — from the Oxford English Dictionary (a real dictionary, one you’ll never see a Social Justice Warrior cite):

Pride: A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of one’s close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

Skin color, gender, race, sexuality: like eye color and lactose intolerance, these aren’t achievements, they are unchosen traits, in any normal context.

You can’t properly be “proud” of your skin color — unless you’ve spent a lot of time in the tanning booth. You can’t properly be “proud” of your vagina — unless your “vagina” is where your penis used to be — in which case you can’t be proud of your mental illness that you didn’t get treated because everyone lied and told you it was normal.

You can certainly be proud of standing up for yourself, and standing up for and with others. Be proud to assert that you have a right to live how you want…

… if you’re not imposing on others. As time has worn on, “pride” movements generally no longer assert individual rights, they’ve devolved into screaming “I am a victim!” with the very deliberate implication that they are owed something. Come on, it’s the current year, straight people! Get over yourselves and get back to guilty feelings for [insert “oppressed” group here]:

Hell, some folks are even explicit about it:

Here in reality, terms like “gay pride”, “black pride” are meaningless — just as meaningless as “heterosexual pride”. Normies, trolls, and shitposters all know it:

But the SJWs are triggered because they are victims, goddammit, and don’t you dare forget it:

But no matter how hard the SJWs may argue otherwise, everyone is still an individual and capable of thinking for themselves.

That’s right folks — unbelievably, even blacks and gays are actually individual people, not cogs in a giant groupthink machine! (Can you even imagine such a thing???)

It’s hard not to “celebrate” Heterosexual Pride Day and revel in the butthurt. Enjoy it while you can, it only comes once a year!